(Our video showreel produced by Robin Creative Media)
Whether scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, or Tumblr, videos are what are grabbing everyone's attention these days.
Visual content is what we want to see, and what we remember. Isn't it just so much easier and more enjoyable to watch a short 30 second clip as you scroll through your feed, than read a long caption where the words all seem to blur into one? You can portray a thousand word text in a 30 second clip and get across the same, if not a better, message.
According to Cisco, by 2019, 90% of all internet bandwidth will be video.
This is a phenomenal statistic, indicating that video marketing is on the rise more than ever. Facebook is well ahead of the game, with it's auto-play add-on, allowing anyone to see even a brief section of a video as they scroll through their feed. There's live videos on Facebook and Instagram. And there's Snapchat, YouTube, Vimeo, Vlogs...
There seem to be endless new ways for us to create a video and instantly obtain views. And in the world of marketing, it is definitely working. According to SmallBizTrends, social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. This truly reflects how important video is becoming in marketing today, and how much more vital a role it could play in the coming years.
Here at The Adventure Connection, we are so excited to launch our new video showreel.
2017 was such an exciting year for us. Shooting and editing all over the world, from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, all the way to La Puna Desert in Northern Argentina. Mark also jetted off to Puglia, Nepal, Tanzania and Croatia. Anyone else a bit jealous? With our growing team, we can’t wait to see what more 2018 has in store for us. We particularly can't wait to do more work with Robin Creative Media to create and edit more videos to help market exciting adventures from around the world.
Contact us today for advice on how to get up and running with video for your company. Or how to use and market your video content more effectively.